

Last seen: 22 days ago

Member since Jul 5, 2024 [email protected]

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How do Organism Reproduce

Organisms reproduce either asexually or sexually. In asexual reproduction, a single organism creates offspring that are geneticall...

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Sources of Energy

Sources of energy are broadly categorized into renewable and non-renewable types. Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, hy...

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Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current

The magnetic effects of electric current reveal how electricity and magnetism are interrelated. Understanding these effects is cru...

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This chapter provides a foundational understanding of how electrical circuits operate and how electricity is used in practical app...

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Human Eye And The Colourful World

The chapter begins by explaining the anatomy of the human eye. It describes how light enters the eye through the cornea, passes th...

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Periodic classification Of Elements

The periodic table organizes elements into periods and groups based on their properties and atomic structure. It helps us understa...

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Chemical Reaction And Equations

Understanding chemical reactions and equations helps us predict the outcomes of mixing different substances and is fundamental to ...

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