Matter in Our Surroundings

the chapter on "Matter in Our Surroundings" explains that everything around us is made up of matter, which has mass and occupies space. Matter exists in three main states: solid, liquid, and gas. Solids have a fixed shape and volume because their particles are closely packed and vibrate in place. Liquids have a fixed volume but take the shape of their container, as their particles are close but can move around each other. Gases do not have a fixed shape or volume; they spread out to fill any space, with particles that are far apart and move freely. The chapter also introduces the concept of changes in states of matter, like melting, freezing, and evaporation, and explains how temperature and pressure can affect these changes.

Matter in Our Surroundings


Matter is everything that takes up space and has mass. It's what everything around us is made of. Matter exists in three main forms or states:


  1. Solids: These have a definite shape and volume. Examples include a book, a chair, or ice.

  2. Liquids: These have a definite volume but take the shape of their container. Examples include water, milk, or juice.

  3. Gases: These don’t have a definite shape or volume. They spread out to fill whatever space is available. Examples include air, helium, or steam.

So, when you think of matter, think about anything you can touch or see—it’s made of matter!


the classification of matter can be broken down into a few simple categories:

  1. Pure Substances: These are made up of only one type of particle.

    • Elements: These are the simplest form of matter and consist of only one kind of atom. Examples include gold (Au), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H).
    • Compounds: These are made up of two or more elements that are chemically combined in fixed proportions. Examples include water (H₂O), salt (NaCl), and carbon dioxide (CO₂).
  2. Mixtures: These consist of two or more substances that are physically combined and can be separated.

    • Homogeneous Mixtures: These mixtures look the same throughout. The different substances are evenly distributed. Examples include saltwater and air.
    • Heterogeneous Mixtures: These mixtures have parts that are visibly different from each other. You can often see the different substances. Examples include salad, sand and water, or a bowl of cereal.

So, matter can be classified into pure substances (elements and compounds) and mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous).



    The dissolution of matter refers to the process where a substance (the solute) mixes with a liquid (the solvent) to form a solution. Here's a simple explanation:

    1. What is Dissolution?

      • Dissolution is when a solute (like sugar or salt) is mixed into a solvent (like water) and becomes evenly distributed in it. The solute breaks down into tiny particles and spreads throughout the solvent.
    2. How Does it Work?

      • When you add a solute to a solvent, the particles of the solute interact with the particles of the solvent. For example, when you stir sugar into tea, the sugar molecules spread out and dissolve into the tea.
    3. Types of Solutions:

      • Homogeneous Solution: The solute is completely dissolved, and you cannot see it separately from the solvent. Example: saltwater.
      • Saturated Solution: This is when no more solute can dissolve in the solvent. The solution has reached its maximum capacity. Example: a cup of tea with too much sugar.
    4. Factors Affecting Dissolution:

      • Temperature: Higher temperatures usually increase the rate of dissolution. For example, sugar dissolves faster in hot tea than in cold tea.
      • Stirring: Stirring helps the solute dissolve faster because it moves the solute particles around.
      • Surface Area: Smaller pieces of solute dissolve more quickly because they have more surface area to interact with the solvent.

    In summary, dissolution is the process of a solute mixing with a solvent to form a solution, and it depends on factors like temperature, stirring, and the size of the solute particles.


    Diffusion is the process where particles of a substance spread out from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until they are evenly distributed. Here's a simple explanation:

    1. What is Diffusion?

      • Diffusion is how particles like molecules or ions move through a substance (like air or water) from a place where there are a lot of them to a place where there are fewer of them.
    2. How Does it Work?

      • Imagine you spray perfume in one corner of a room. At first, you can smell the perfume strongly in that corner. Over time, the scent spreads throughout the room, and eventually, you can smell it everywhere in the room.
    3. Why Does it Happen?

      • Diffusion happens because particles are always moving randomly. They naturally move from crowded areas to less crowded areas until they are evenly spread out.
    4. Examples of Diffusion:

      • Perfume spreading in a room.
      • Food coloring spreading in water.
      • Oxygen moving from the air into your lungs.
    5. Factors Affecting Diffusion:

      • Temperature: Higher temperatures make particles move faster, so diffusion happens more quickly.
      • Concentration Gradient: The bigger the difference between high and low concentrations, the faster diffusion occurs.

    In summary, diffusion is the spreading out of particles from where there are many of them to where there are fewer, and it happens naturally until everything is evenly spread.


    Evaporation is the process where a liquid turns into a gas. Here's a simple explanation:

    1. What is Evaporation?

      • Evaporation is when a liquid changes into a gas. This happens when the particles in the liquid get enough energy to break free from the liquid and become a gas.
    2. How Does it Work?

      • In a liquid, the particles are always moving. Some particles near the surface gain enough energy (often from heat) to escape into the air as gas. This process is called evaporation.
    3. Examples of Evaporation:

      • Water Drying: When you leave a wet towel out, the water slowly disappears into the air.
      • Sweat: Your sweat evaporates from your skin, which helps cool you down.
      • Puddles: After it rains, puddles of water eventually evaporate.
    4. Factors Affecting Evaporation:

      • Temperature: Higher temperatures speed up evaporation because the particles get more energy.
      • Surface Area: A larger surface area allows more particles to escape, so evaporation happens faster.
      • Air Movement: Wind or moving air helps carry away the gas particles, speeding up evaporation.

    In summary, evaporation is when a liquid turns into a gas, usually because the particles get enough energy to escape from the surface of the liquid.


    Sublimation is the process where a solid turns directly into a gas without first becoming a liquid. Here's a simple explanation:

    1. What is Sublimation?

      • Sublimation is when a solid changes into a gas without going through the liquid state.
    2. How Does it Work?

      • In sublimation, the particles in a solid gain enough energy to move directly into the gas phase. They skip the liquid phase altogether.
    3. Examples of Sublimation:

      • Dry Ice: Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) changes directly into carbon dioxide gas without becoming a liquid.
      • Snow: In very cold, dry conditions, snow can slowly turn directly into water vapor without melting first.
      • Mothballs: Some mothballs made of naphthalene turn into gas and disappear over time.
    4. Conditions for Sublimation:

      • Temperature: Sublimation usually happens at low temperatures where the solid can skip the liquid phase.
      • Pressure: Sublimation can also depend on the pressure around the solid. Lower pressure can make sublimation easier.

    In summary, sublimation is when a solid changes directly into a gas, skipping the liquid phase. CHARACTERISTICS OF PARTICLES OF MATTER

    The particles of matter (like atoms or molecules) have some key characteristics that determine how they behave. Here’s a simple explanation of these characteristics:

    1. Movement:

      • In Solids: The particles are tightly packed and only vibrate in place. They don’t move around much.
      • In Liquids: The particles are close together but can slide past each other. They move around more than in solids.
      • In Gases: The particles are spread out and move quickly in all directions. They fill up the space available.
    2. Attraction:

      • In Solids: The particles have strong forces holding them together, so they keep their shape and volume.
      • In Liquids: The forces are weaker than in solids, so liquids take the shape of their container but have a fixed volume.
      • In Gases: The forces between particles are very weak, so they spread out and don’t have a fixed shape or volume.
    3. Space Between Particles OR INTERMOLECULAR SPACE:

      • In Solids: The particles are very close together with little empty space between them.
      • In Liquids: The particles are still close but have more space between them compared to solids.
      • In Gases: The particles are far apart with a lot of empty space between them.
    4. Energy

      • In Solids: The particles have the least energy because they are not moving much.
      • In Liquids: The particles have more energy than in solids because they move around more.
      • In Gases: The particles have the most energy because they move quickly and freely.

    In summary, the particles of matter have different characteristics based on their state (solid, liquid, or gas), including how they move, how strongly they attract each other, how much space is between them, and how much energy they have. MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE

    Measuring the temperature of matter involves determining how hot or cold something is. Here’s a simple guide on how it’s done:

    1. What is Temperature?

      • Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is. It indicates the average energy of the particles in a substance.
    2. Instruments for Measuring Temperature:

      • Thermometer: The most common instrument used to measure temperature. There are different types of thermometers:
        • Mercury Thermometer: Contains mercury that expands and contracts with temperature changes. Not used much now due to safety concerns.
        • Digital Thermometer: Uses electronic sensors to measure temperature and displays it digitally. Often used in homes and laboratories.
        • Infrared Thermometer: Measures temperature from a distance by detecting infrared radiation emitted by an object.
    3. How to Measure Temperature:

      • Using a Thermometer:
        1. Place the Thermometer: For a liquid or solid, insert or touch the thermometer where you want to measure the temperature.
        2. Wait for Stabilization: Allow the thermometer to stabilize and provide an accurate reading. This may take a few moments.
        3. Read the Temperature: Observe the reading on the thermometer. Digital thermometers will display the temperature, while mercury or alcohol thermometers will have a scale to read.
    4. Units of Temperature:

      • Celsius (°C): Commonly used in most countries. Water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C.
      • Fahrenheit (°F): Used mainly in the United States. Water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F.
      • Kelvin (K): Used mainly in scientific contexts. It starts at absolute zero, the point where particles have minimum thermal energy.
    5. Why Measuring Temperature is Important:

      • It helps in understanding the state of matter (solid, liquid, gas).
      • It is essential for many processes in cooking, scientific experiments, and industrial applications.

    In summary, measuring temperature involves using instruments like thermometers to determine how hot or cold something is, and it can be expressed in units like Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin. INTERCONVERSION OF STATES OF MATTER

    The interconversion of states of matter is the process where matter changes from one state to another. Here’s a simple explanation:

    1. What are the States of Matter?

      • Solid: Has a fixed shape and volume.
      • Liquid: Has a fixed volume but takes the shape of its container.
      • Gas: Has no fixed shape or volume and spreads out to fill the space.
    2. How Does Matter Change States?

      • Melting: Solid to Liquid

        • Example: Ice turning into water when heated.
        • Process: Heat is added, causing the solid particles to move faster and break free into a liquid state.
      • Freezing: Liquid to Solid

        • Example: Water turning into ice when cooled.
        • Process: Heat is removed, causing the liquid particles to slow down and form a solid.
      • Evaporation: Liquid to Gas

        • Example: Water turning into steam when heated.
        • Process: Heat is added, causing liquid particles to gain enough energy to escape into the air as a gas.
      • Condensation: Gas to Liquid

        • Example: Steam turning into water droplets on a cold surface.
        • Process: Heat is removed, causing gas particles to lose energy and condense into a liquid.
      • Sublimation: Solid to Gas

        • Example: Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) turning directly into gas without becoming liquid.
        • Process: Heat is added, and the solid particles skip the liquid phase and go straight to the gas state.
      • Deposition: Gas to Solid

        • Example: Frost forming on a cold surface.
        • Process: Gas particles lose enough energy to directly form a solid without becoming liquid first.

    In summary, matter can change from one state to another through processes like melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation, sublimation, and deposition, depending on the addition or removal of heat.

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